in Dacula, GA
Time, tooth decay, oral disease and even everyday injuries can really take a hefty toll on our oral health. Teeth and gums can sustain many damages or challenges, and yet restorative dentistry is here to save the day. At Kurz Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Dacula, GA we offer a wide range of restorative dentistry solutions that allow you to regain the fullest use possible of teeth and gums, even if you have lost a tooth or suffered tissue shrinkage.

Dental Bridges
Many people lose one or more teeth in their upper or lower arches and worry that their only option is the use of a partial denture. They dread this because they don’t want to worry about that appliance slipping while they are speaking or eating, or because they would rather have something that is permanently placed. While dental implants are most certainly a viable option, there are also dental bridges.
As the name implies, dental bridges span the gap where a missing tooth, or two or even more once stood. Using the two healthy teeth at either end of the gap, also called abutments, the bridge is mounted in place and secure at all times. It holds your original, healthy bite and allows you to eat, speak and look like you always have. The abutments will usually be treated with dental crowns to prevent any damages to the natural teeth, and many patients are delighted by the results of a dental bridge as a restoration.
Dental Crowns
If you have a tooth with a large, failed filling, one or more deeply stained teeth that do not respond to whitening, a tooth that has been severely damaged, or are about to have a root canal, you might also be an ideal candidate for dental crowns. Made to “cap” a repaired and restored tooth, dental crowns keep that tooth safe from further harm, decay or damage. It is a remarkably simple and fast way to repair and restore a tooth, and a treatment we are happy to discuss with you.
Dental Implants
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that dentures or bridges are your only options if you have lost an adult tooth or even many of them. Dental implants are a remarkably beneficial and reliable way to fully restore the teeth, jaw and gum. We offer single tooth implants as well as multi-tooth treatments. For those with diminished jaw tissue, we can do mini implants, and for denture wearers or those missing entire arches of teeth, we have All on 4 Implants, implant dentures and implant supported bridges, too.
New Patient Special
New Patient Cleaning
Clearly, with any of these options, our goal is to allow you to look, eat and speak like you have always done and enjoy a painless and positive experience throughout. Now that you know we have many restorative options, it is time to talk with a dentist in Dacula about the treatment.